Gratitude in Addiction Recovery: Why It Matters

When addiction rules most aspects of life, it can be difficult to recognize and take advantage of new opportunities to learn, grow, and change. Recovery allows you to explore new opportunities and make new connections without the distraction of drugs or alcohol. The greatest thing about practicing gratitude is that you can decide how you will do it.

Some Facts About The Power of Gratitude in Addiction Recovery: Cultivating a Thankful Mindset:

We did this nightly for almost six months, and even now, when we all get stressed, it pops back up at dinnertime. Part of my recovery process was to keep a gratitude journal for a month. I was assigned to find three things I was grateful for each day and write them down in a journal. At the end of the week, I was asked to reflect on what I noted and write about how the practice helped me. Feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression can be soothed with the practice of gratitude.

  • Taking time to cultivate a positive life outlook and to invest in gratitude can improve your health in several ways.
  • Reserve five minutes each morning to offer appreciation while you enjoy a cup of coffee, head out for an early run or even after you hit the snooze button (the first time).
  • Being grateful for the blessings in your life, whether large or small, helps cultivate a humble, appreciative attitude.
  • If you recently left treatment or you’re new to recovery, be patient with yourself.

Gratitude Is a Muscle: It Takes Time and Practice to Master

Many great thinkers and philosophers have applied definitions to gratitude. Recent work on the concept of gratitude in philosophy and psychology. The Journal of Value Inquiry,47 (3), … Continue reading What they lead back to is thankfulness for what you have and where you are in life. If you are in recovery, you have people rooting for you to overcome your addiction. Keeping your focus on these and other positives in your life can help you develop thankfulness.

  • That can mean reduced fatigue, boosted immune system, and even reduced exposure to stress-related heart conditions.
  • Gratitude offers both mental and physical health benefits, which can contribute to mental stability and happiness.
  • While cultivating gratitude is an ongoing process, its rewards are immeasurable.

Five Ways to Protect Yourself From Stress and Work Overload

  • When you communicate with other people, express what you are thankful for.
  • When others share their successes, listen, and let their gratitude rub off on you too.
  • They then asked another group to write about the daily irritations or things that had displeased them.
  • That’s why gratitude is so important for people recovering from addiction, especially in early recovery.
  • This, in turn, leads to a healthier recovery – creating a beautiful cycle.

In this section, we’ll explore the definition of gratitude and how it can affect addiction recovery. We’ll also dive into the numerous science-backed benefits of practicing gratitude, including its ability to reduce stress, improve sleep, and cultivate self-esteem. Buckle up why is gratitude important in recovery and get ready to discover how a thankful mindset can transform your journey towards long-lasting recovery. The power of gratitude in addiction recovery lies in its ability to shift the focus of the mind away from negative thoughts and emotions and towards positive ones.

How Gratitude Can Reduce Burnout in Health Care – Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

How Gratitude Can Reduce Burnout in Health Care.

Posted: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The Importance of Gratitude in Recovery

  • The third group was asked to write about the negative and positive events that affected them.
  • According to the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book, resentment is the number one offender and can kill those with AUD or SUD.
  • However, taking time throughout the day to go “This is going well, I am grateful for it” can also be important.
  • Once you’ve been able to adjust to this mindset of gratitude as your default, negativity will creep into your mind far less often, even when negative circumstances arise.
  • In recovery, we are given the space to be grateful, but it still takes time to practice and train the mind to notice and cherish the beauty in life.
  • Taking time at the end of the week to reflect and journal allowed me to witness the good.

Staying Grounded: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk in Addiction Recovery

why is gratitude important in recovery

Take the Happiness at Work

why is gratitude important in recovery